Help Page

PayPal Instructions:

If you’d like to sign up for a PayPal account, follow the instructions below:

  1. Follow the link on the login page (after submitting form),
  2. Click “Sign Up”
  3. Select “Personal”
  4. “Get Started”
  5. Enter email address, then Next.
  6. Enter cell phone number, then Next.
  7. Receive code on cell phone and enter on next page.
  8. Create password.
  9. Enter Personal information.
  10. Agree and Create Account.
  11. Click on “Not now”
  12. Enter credit card info.
  13. Submit and you should be redirected to the confirmation page.

Why PayPal?

When you enter online, your data automatically goes into the car show database.  When you use PayPal, your funds are automatically deposited in our account.  Otherwise, a club  volunteer needs to transcribe your information into the database and our treasurer needs to track your check.

All entry data on this website is only shared within the Big Bear Lake Antique Car Club.  No other entity will be able to access this information. View our Privacy Policy page for more information.

Please contact us at for more help.

PayPal Help Center